Here's something very special for ya, I was holding it back but I can't wait no moe. It's one of my favourite freestyle sessions that I taped in the late ‘90s off DJ 279‘s ‘Friday Nite Flavours‘ radio show, if i'm honest, i've not heard anything come close to this aural assault since. I’ve been hunting this tape down for ages and I knew I wouldn’t have got rid of it, so I was well chuffed to discover it the other day and get it converted for ya...

The emcee in question is David J, who featured on the fifth Low Life Records release ‘The Whole Circumference’ by Psychic Phenomena in 1997. He’s not been on much since which is a huge shame as he’s one in a million, but I know he’s still active and dropping on more of a spoken word tip these days, which you can hear early styles of here.
I’m not gonna rant on too much as you just have to check this out for yourself. He takes a minute to warm up but lets off for a good 25 minutes, and actually says he‘s stopping 4 times, but keeps on. It’s even missing the very end of the freestyle as the tape ran out cause he went on so long! There’s still a good 22 minutes of it here though...

...So ladies and gentlemen, I present to you David J The Vocal Pugilist.
Download option here. Now tell me this ain't dope!

(Disorda & David J, picture taken @ Suspect Packages Live, 8th July 2011)