For those not knowing I used to be in a crew called Intelligent Maddness from Peterborough, before I moved down to the big smoke 15 years ago we managed to get our drunk asses off the bar stools and record some material. The crew consisted of three main emcees - Oliver Twist, Crackajack & Red Eyed Skunk, and at times myself, then two producers Chris & Lee (Contagious Productions) and finally our DJ, Wrecka.
We managed to get two releases out, the Mind Over Matter? EP on tape, and the No Room EP on vinyl (this was named after the infamous freestyle sessions we used to have in my bedroom along with the Deftex & Parlour Talk/Undivided Attention crews, big up! I must dig out those recordings, or maybe not... haha).

Anyway, Chris who kinda held us all together over the many years we rolled as the Intelligent Maddness Crew has just uploaded the tracks we put out onto youtube, along with some live photos from the numerous shows we did back then, and some images of the two releases and the comic we also gave away with the 12"...
Check out our steez back way when, and peep me out on the last verse of '18 Optional Purposes' (this track was named after a Swiss Army Knife, jokes).
Some of us are still in touch with each other but we're not recording as a group unfortunatly, Twist is still writing rhymes and i'm still doing my thing with Suspect Packages & DJing, but this period from around '93 to '98 was very memorable, we had a laugh, too many memories! Shouts to anyone that caught the I.M.C. live and all the people we connected with, you know who you are! 1 Love. Disorda.
'psycopath writer' is my fave off the ep, i managed to bag a copy about 18 months ago, didn't get the comic with it though. i saw a copy on ebay a few months back including the comic for just shy of a tenner which i didn't think was bad, considering. good stuff.
Yeah that's my fave too, always enjoyed performing that one live...
I've been waiting for this stuff to be thrown up on youtube for serious time now. I remember getting the tape from the counter in Our Price for £3 in the mid 90's and I always wanted that hooded top with the three guy graphic on the back. Inspired me to form a crew and started rhyming over instrumentals. Intelligent maddness made hip-hop more relevant and credible for the soul of working class white kids living in market towns a million miles away from the city coz at that point in time we were getting fucking laughed at by the fucking dumbass club dancing pinstriped trouser, buckled loafer wearing wankers who lived for the weekend! nothing but total respect to everyone involved in the progression of the maddness! peace.
Sick Nick The Bankrupt Crook!
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