Monday 1 September 2008

Blak Twang & The Brotherhood freestyle

'Sup folks... Been mentally busy running the business recently and a shit load of other tings going on in my life so apologies for the lack of posts here, also our divshare audio files we're downloaded too many times and got maxxed out, and i'm not paying to upgrade it so we'll see how they go from now on, if it spazz's out again we'll put shit up via megaupload or something... The latest radio show is always located on main radio player on the Suspect Packages website anyway, it's just the older ones that are on divshare or megaupload etc...
Anyway, September's radio show is coming, in the meantime i've been going through the stash of old tapes and releases i have here and transfered this gem for you. Back in the day I used to use one of these, infact i still have it and it's what i'm using to transfer all these old and unheard tapes...

It's all about the double tape decks yo... So, I used to record a lot of radio shows back in the day, Westwood on Capital, 279 on Choice, and Max & Dave on Kiss... This freestyle is from the late 90's on Max & Dave's show of Blak Twang & The Brotherhood, they go for it big style for about 15 minutes. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

living up north i was seriously unaware that this kinda stuff was going on until mike allen got the call to go nationwide. nice up, cheer.

DISORDA said...

Indeed, Mike Allen was a saviour! I grew up just outside Peterborough so he was the only link to hearing Hip Hop, aside fromt the odd track Peel would play!